These AC Noises Mean You Need Repair

May 6th, 2024

Oh, dear. Did you hear that? Is your air conditioner making a strange noise? An odd sound coming from your air conditioner is often the first sign that you need air conditioning repair in Holt, MI. But how can you tell if the sound you’re hearing is a sign of a problem or a perfectly normal sound for the AC to make?

Your cooling system’s noises should be low, steady, and consistent. The compressor comes on with a deep hum. The fan makes a whirring sound. Anything other than that is a sign that something is wrong. The noise you’re hearing from your AC can tell you a bit about what sort of repairs it might need. Here are some of the most common problem sounds.

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Prepare for Heat Pump Installation

April 22nd, 2024

Congratulations on choosing a heat pump for your next home cooling system. It’ll be equal to a top-notch air conditioner, while also providing super-efficient heating. But once you’ve decided on your heat pump and made an appointment to have it installed, you might still have some questions. 

Chances are, it’s been a decade or so since you’ve had to deal with AC installation, or perhaps you purchased your home with your current air conditioner in place and have never gone through this process. And perhaps you’ve never had a heat pump before. What should you know about heat pump installation? How long will it take? And what can you do to make sure it goes well? We’ve got the answers.

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How Maintenance Prevents AC Repair Needs

April 8th, 2024

This spring, make sure you schedule air conditioner maintenance before the temps get high enough that you’ll need to run your AC. How important is maintenance for your AC system, you ask? Well, it can save you from all kinds of bother, trouble, and expense. 

Want your air conditioner to run more efficiently? Get maintenance. Want to make sure it will be as effective as possible in heat waves? Get maintenance. Want to keep the system running for as many years as possible before you have to replace it? You guessed it… maintenance. And perhaps you’d like to eliminate the need for air conditioner repair. Well, maintenance cuts AC repair needs by 85%. Let us explain how it works.

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Should I Replace My AC With a Heat Pump?

March 25th, 2024

As your air conditioner ages, you will notice more and more problems with it. Troubles that require repair crop up more frequently. Maybe it sounds like it’s struggling, or just isn’t getting the job done as well as it used to, even though you’ve scheduled routine maintenance. At some point, you’ll start thinking about replacing it.

When you start to consider AC replacement, there are a lot of factors you might be considering, like the size of a new unit, the cost, and how efficient it is. There’s one thing we suggest you think about before you make any other decisions. Should I replace my air conditioner with a heat pump instead of another AC unit? There are some major benefits, and we’ll outline them for you.

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Do Heat Pumps Need a Lot of Repairs?

March 11th, 2024

If you’re a new heat pump owner, or you’re considering becoming one, there may be some things you don’t know. After all, chances are, you’re much more familiar with air conditioners and furnaces, in terms of what to expect. Are there things to be aware of with your heat pump? They are pretty incredible systems. Does that mean they require more repairs than your AC or heater?

The truth of the matter is, there’s not a whole lot of difference between your heat pump and an air conditioner. Most of the basic components are the same, which means that most of the concerns and potential problems are also the same. But in order to take good care of your heat pump, there are a couple of things you should know.

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5 Benefits of Reme Halo Air Purifiers

February 26th, 2024

Americans spend a shocking amount of time indoors. According to the American Lung Association, that amount is about 90% of the time. This means that whatever is in your indoor air, it is ending up in your lungs. Unfortunately, indoor air is usually much more contaminated than the fresh air outdoors. After all, it does contain the recirculated sneezes of other people. 

There are a variety of possible solutions to the concern of breathing in lots of contaminated indoor air. Spending more time outdoors would be nice… but it’ll be nicer once summer arrives. Portable air filters and purifiers exist, but they’ll only help in a small space like a dorm room. For your home, a Reme Halo air purifier will have the greatest impact. Here are some of the benefits.

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How Do I Know If I Need Emergency Furnace Repair?

February 12th, 2024

Keeping your home cozy in the winter in Michigan is not just critical to your comfort; it can be a serious health and safety issue as well. So when something is wrong with your heating system, you need to take it very seriously. 

A furnace is a complex system, and there are a lot of ways that things could possibly go wrong. So when there is an issue, it can be hard to know how urgent it is. What furnace concerns require emergency repair, and which can wait for a regular appointment? We’ll help you weigh some factors and make that decision.

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4 Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

January 15th, 2024

If you own a furnace, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the sound of its everyday operation. You know the noise it makes when it powers on, the sound of air whooshing through the vents, and the end of the heating cycle as it powers off. 

In fact, you’re so familiar with how it sounds that any out-of-the-ordinary noises come across as quite unusual and startling. Some common questions we get from homeowners about weird furnace noises include, “Why does my furnace make a loud noise when it turns off?” and “Why is my furnace clicking repeatedly?”

Let’s go over 4 unusual sounds furnaces make when they’re struggling to perform and inevitably need to be repaired. 

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Do Heat Pumps Struggle in Cold Weather?

January 1st, 2024

If you’re in the market for a new heating system, a heat pump has undoubtedly come up on your list of contenders. But you have one concern and that’s because you’ve heard that a heat pump struggles in cold weather. With our cold winter weather here in Michigan, you’re not sure it can handle the cold.

We’ve written this blog specifically to let you know that you shouldn’t be at all concerned about a heat pump’s ability to heat your home. Plus, there are cold weather heat pumps to choose from. You might even be interested in a dual fuel system. Let’s go over your options and assuage your fears.

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How to Choose a New Furnace for Your Michigan Home

December 18th, 2023

When it comes to heating your Lansing home, the furnace is still the top choice among homeowners here in Michigan. Although heat pumps are surging in popularity, many people still prefer to stick with the good ol’ reliable furnace. 

That’s because furnaces are a tried-and-true method of heating a home. If you have your heart set on a furnace replacement, there are still some factors to consider before choosing your next system. These factors will affect not only the initial purchase price but how much you spend to operate your furnace over the course of its lifespan. Let’s explain.

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