A-1 Mechanical Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How to Install HVAC Zone Control Dampers

Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
HVAC Zone Control

For far too many homes, some areas of the house will be the perfect temperature, while other rooms suffer from hot and cold spots creating an uneven temperature throughout the room. This is a frustrating issue that can not only cause discomfort but also much higher heating and cooling bills.

In the latest blog post from A-1 Mechanical, we’ll discuss how an HVAC zone control system can fix these issues with dampers, as well as how they’re installed. For more helpful information about HVAC zone control dampers, reach out to A-1 Mechanical.

What Are HVAC Zone Control Dampers?

Zone control dampers allow heated or cooled air to spread amongst the rooms in your home, leading to more even and regulated temperatures. Zone dampers are plates that are used to redirect air to all areas of the home, ensuring that warm or cool air reaches the areas that it is supposed to.

In an HVAC system without zone dampers, air freely flows through your ductwork and out of the vents within your home. This can cause uneven distribution, as there is not any equipment in place that could otherwise ensure that all areas of the home receive the same access to the air from your heating and cooling system.

Why Should You Install HVAC Zone Control Dampers?

A zone control system offers significant energy savings, as your HVAC system won’t need to stay on as long in order to bring your home to the set temperature. As heated and cooled air is evenly distributed throughout the home, a zone control system makes it much easier for the house to reach your set temperature.

In addition to the energy savings, you’ll also find that a zone control system can affect the comfort of your home. For homes that struggle with hot and cold spots, dampers can provide a very effective solution. Zone control systems help to keep each room of the home at the same temperature.

Installing HVAC Zone Control Dampers

Installing zone control dampers is a job that is, ideally, left up to professional HVAC system technicians. There are many things to consider, such as the size of your ducts, the type of dampers that your ductwork requires, the location of the dampers, and more.

When you contact an experienced professional to install your zone control dampers, they’ll help answer any questions you might have. They’ll provide the best location for the dampers, as well as the best type of dampers, to provide the best results. Once you’ve had a zone control system installed into your HVAC system, you’ll notice an upgrade in energy efficiency. When you control airflow to all the rooms in your house, you’ll notice a decrease in heating and cooling costs because you won’t waste energy heating unoccupied rooms. Some zone control systems include their own thermostat, or all the dampers can be controlled with a central control panel.

There are a lot of different features and options available for zone control systems. If you’re interested in upgrading your HVAC equipment, talk to the professional technicians at A-1 Mechanical to learn more about For HVAC zone control damper installation in the Lansing and Grand Rapids, MI areas.

Contact A-1 Mechanical for HVAC Zone Control Dampers

Keeping all areas of your home the same temperature is key to a safe, happy, and healthy household. Installing HVAC zone control dampers can be exactly what your home needs to increase comfort and safety levels.

Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of dampers, or to schedule an appointment for installation services.

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Signs You Need a New Air Conditioner

Friday, May 21st, 2021
Air Conditioning

With proper maintenance, an air conditioning system typically lasts around 15 years. When you experience frequent repairs or outages, however, you may need to install a new AC before then. In addition to frequent repairs and outages, there are other signs you need a new air conditioner. Read on to learn more about the signs your air conditioner needs to be replaced and how to prevent an outage during the hottest months of the year.

Common Signs It’s Time to Replace Your AC

Your air conditioner needs replaced if it’s showing any of the following warning signs:

  1. Your air conditioner is more than 15 years old
  2. Low energy efficiency
  3. Frequent repairs
  4. High indoor humidity

We’ll cover them in more detail below.

1.) Your Air Conditioner is More Than 15 Years Old

When properly maintained, air conditioners typically last around 15 years. If you are unsure of the age of your AC unit, schedule a maintenance check, and ask your technician. When your AC unit is roughly 12 years old, start planning for a replacement.

Professional HVAC contractors run through a rough cost and benefit analysis with you when your AC unit is 12 to 15 years old. If you find a major repair earlier and could upgrade to a more efficient model, consider it.

The difference in energy efficiency and the cost to operate often negates the replacement cost. This way you have the information you need to decide whether continued repairs or a new unit is best for your family’s financial plan.

Your HVAC contractor easily determines the best AC unit and style for your home and lifestyle.

2.) Low Energy Efficiency

If your energy bills seem unusually high during the warmer months, the culprit is probably an inefficient air conditioner. This is another sign you may want to replace your air conditioner.

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings measure the energy efficiency of an air conditioner. The higher the SEER rating, the less energy your air conditioner uses to cool your home. AC units on the market have at least a 13 SEER. However, if you have an older air conditioner in your home, the SEER rating is potentially 6 or less.

New ENERGY STAR air conditioners are beneficial to your wallet, as well as better for the environment. Whether you upgrade to save on energy costs, or to improve your environmental impact, a new AC unit lowers your monthly energy bill.

3.) Frequent Air Conditioner Repairs

Frequent cooling system repairs and service calls are signs that you need a new air conditioner. They potentially cost more in the end than a new system. A new air conditioning system saves you money on pricey repairs, as well as energy bills, if you install a more efficient system.

A good HVAC system technician provides a full picture of your current air conditioner costs as well as the costs associated with a new system. You might be surprised how much you save with a new air conditioner versus patching up your old one.

4.) High Humidity

Air conditioners remove humidity from the air as part of the cooling process. If your home’s air feels uncomfortable, the excess humidity is often to blame.

When the air conditioner cycles but does not seem to remove your home’s humidity, it is time for a check. A trained heating and cooling technician tests the humidity in your home and diagnoses any problems with your air conditioner.

Unsure If You Need a New Air Conditioner? Get a Free Estimate from A-1 Mechanical

If your home exhibits any signs you need to replace your air conditioner, give A-1 Mechanical a call! Our expert technicians believe your comfort is a priority. We provide maintenance, repairs, and new installations all summer long. Contact us today to keep your home and family cool all summer!

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